Duplicate+update a TI widget type = merge settings instead of overwrite

Issue #319 closed
CP CW created an issue

Describe the bug
When duplicating a TI widget and update with a new process and parameters with Advanced UI Settings Editor, the Advanced Options are merged with the updates instead of overwriting the old settings.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Duplicate a TI widget
  2. Open Advanced UI Settings Editor and configure with a new process and new parameters
  3. Open Advanced Options for the new widget and can see the old settings+new settings merged, instead of being overwritten. This result in malfunctioning.

Expected behavior
This can be fixed only by manually removing the old settings, but this should be done automatically by editor.

Dashboard - TI Widget

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • ApliqoUX Version: [2021.07] - TM1 Version: [2.0.6] - Browser [Chrome]

Comments (1)

  1. tomer ganz

    This is not a bug, this is the expected behavior. you can always reset all parameters after duplicate the widget if you like

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