UX converts pipe ( | ) to forward slash ( / ) in widget title text

Issue #322 resolved
Scott Wiltshire created an issue

Describe the bug
When entering text for widget titles the pipe character is converted to a forward slash.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to a dashboard page and activate edit mode
  2. In a widget title enter text which contains the pipe character

    Immediatelly after the edit the expected title value is displayed for the widget

  3. Navigate to another page then back to the dashboard
    The pipe character in the widget title is now converted to forward slash

    If checkin in the widget settings in edit mode we can see that the substitution also affects the stored value, not just what is displayed.

Expected behavior
Characters should not be substituted. Only setting service variables should be substituted.


2021.07 FP1

Comments (3)

  1. Ada Trajer

    To solve this issue, make the following change in the settings.json file: "cellUpdate": {
    "enablePipeCharacterReplacement": false

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