Drill on charts (Cross Drill and Series Drill) not working with nested x axis dimensions

Issue #325 open
Ryan Clapp created an issue

Issue: Drill on charts does not work when nested dimensions exist on the y axis

To Reproduce Cross Drill Issue:

  • Using the Apliqo_Demo, Flexi Grid Layout Sample 1 Retail Evaluation Widget
  • Update the chart to nest Department 1 on columns

    { [Department].[Department].[1] }

  • Try to crossdrill on Region, note nothing happens

To Reproduce Series Drill Issue

  • From the last step above, swap version and departments position, putting department on rows

* Click on the corporate series title, note nothing happens.

Comments (3)

  1. tomer ganz

    this is an enhancement request,

    its a bug the the menu still shows you the option to cross drill,

    but do not support cross drill when you stack dimension on rows / columns on charts

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