Dimension Label not reflecting on first step of Wizard

Issue #335 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

We have noticed an issue in 2021.07.FP2 where the dimension label does not work on the very first step of the Wizard (when the field is populated with an override value). Interestingly, if we navigate to another step in the wizard and then navigate back to the first step, the label values do take effect. The bug is only when we first go into the wizard.

Please see the steps below on how to replicate and a live example in the Apliqo_Demo app.

Live example:



https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsjicbzq2ve8ikt/03 - Dimension Label.mp4?dl=0

Comments (3)

  1. Eric Steingrabe

    Yes we experienced the same issue. Additionally when the wizard load first time zero suppression is not working. Switching to a different step and back solves both the label and the zero suppression. We are on the same release 2021.07 FP2

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    One temporary workaround is to leverage the “}DimensionAttributes” cube. If you have a “Caption” value stored in this cube for the dimension, UX will automatically take this when the “Label” is blank. If you want a different label than the “Caption”, you can override it by putting something in the “Label” field. This bug on the first page of the wizard does not impact dimensions with the captions set.

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