Abbreviation for Billions on graph axis

Issue #345 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

I noticed that the automatic abbreviation on the y-axis for graphs has an unusual abbreviation for billions. “Thousands” are abbreviated as “K”, “Millions” are abbreviated as “M”, but “Billions” are abbreviated as “G”. This doesn’t seem to be a common abbreviation. “B” is more commonly used and would probably make more sense as the default.

Comments (5)

  1. srichardson

    Hi Wei,

    You can try adding a setting to the custom default.constant.js file to change the highcharts defaults.

      'global': {},
      'lang': {
          'numericSymbols': ["k", "M", "B", "T", "P", "E"]

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    Thanks for the suggestion Stuart. I just tried the “lang” array under HIGHCHART_OPTIONS but it didn’t seem to have any impact. Is there any other parameters I need to modify?

  3. srichardson

    Hi Wei,

    I just tested it and it appears to work fine for me.
    Just remember that this change is in custom files and if you have configured the server to cache the custom files you will need to restart the Apliqo Server.

    In my test I just changed the “k” to be a “d” and then it worked fine.

  4. Wei Wang reporter

    Thanks for the reminder on that Stuart. I had thought the cache edits only impacted the scss files but didn’t know that default.constant.js was also effected. Indeed it works now, thanks again!

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