Back Button in Wizard

Issue #362 resolved
Ayse Nur Sulun created an issue

The next button in the Wizard works but the back button does not. Tried also in 2021.21.11 version. Can you support us with this issue?

Comments (5)

  1. Wei Wang

    We noticed a similar issue and found that it was caused by the files in “..apq-c3-custom\js”. By replacing all the files in this folder (except for “default.constant.js”) with those from the latest Apliqo_Demo, it fixed the back button. If you had custom JS in those files, you could try appending your custom code to those existing ones in Apliqo_Demo and see if helps.

  2. Cyrus Rashedi

    Thanks for the tip Wei! Replacing all the custom js files from the demo model except default.constants.js did the trick. The back button is working again in 2021.11.

  3. Ada Trajer

    This issue occurred due to code changes for myBackFunction(step) in custom-wizard.service file in apq-c3-custom/js folder.

    Instead of replacing all the files it can be fixed by changing the existing code for myBackFunction(step) to the one provided below:

    myBackFunction(step) {

    // return CustomWizard.self.$timeout(() => {

    // alert('myBackFunction');

    //console.log("Custom backCallback called...", step)

    let formData = step.wizardData.formData;

    //WizardCtrl.self.backDisabled = false

    return true;

    // if (formData.inputval1 == '')

    // return true;

    // else

    // return false;

    // }, 2000); }

  4. Vedant Dadhich

    Hi Ada,

    We ran into similar issue post upgrading UX to version 2022.06.00 and I tried changing just the code of the myBackFunction as you suggested and apparently that didn’t work. I had to replace all js files (except default) as Wei suggested and that did it.

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