Map colors are not right

Issue #377 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

Japan is shown as green, even though it should be red.

"colorAxis": {
"minColor": "red",
"maxColor": "green"

Also, we need a way to format the legend to be in line with the tooltip. In this example both should show % values.

Comments (5)

  1. srichardson

    Try setting hex values rather than using the names.

     "colorAxis": {
        "min": -100000,
        "max": 100000,
        "minColor": "#FF0000",
        "maxColor": "#00FF00",
        "labels": {
          "format": "{value} %"

  2. Radu Cantor reporter

    Hi Stuart,

    The colors are working fine, but the labels format isn’t great.

    The data is between -1 and 1 and it has to be displayed as a percentage.

    If I add the labels format as you suggested, it will only add a % sign after the 1 and -1, instead of converting it to 100%.

    An alternative solution would be to completely hide the legend for the map, but I couldn’t figure out if that is possible.

  3. srichardson

    Hi Radu,

    Currently it is not possibly to configure the map in the same way as the charts so therefore it is not possible to complely hide the legend. I will add this to the list of things to do.
    You can however show the legend but hide the labels if this works for you.

    Setting the “format” to “ “ should do this.

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