Settings service conflict in toolbar pop-up

Issue #386 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

I have the following scenario:

The Period dimension is in the view filter and has a selection of YTD months.

In the toolbar pop-up I want to have a widget with the period filter of a normal month. This I can take from a “month reference” attribute from the dimension.

I tried two options:

  1. To use the $<<Instance.Period.Period::reference_month>> syntax. This only works fine in edit mode. As soon as I close edit mode it shows an error in the popup
  2. I tried to use an MDX: StrToMember(“[period].[period].[“ + [}ElementAttributes_Period].([Period].[Period].[$<<Instance.Period.Period>>], [}ElementAttributes_Period].[reference_month]) + “]”). However, this option results in a circular reference and the filter keeps on switching between the YTD and the normal month.

This logic (both of them) used to work fine in July release.

Please fix!

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