Wizard - MDX in global filter is not applied on load

Issue #387 resolved
Eric Steingrabe created an issue

Hi there,

We have an issue where we derive the element list of a global filter in a dashboard via an MDX (MDX does include the functions IIF, StrToSet and the Apliqo setting service). On the initial load the MDX is not getting executed and an unfiltered list is presented. Once you move to another step in the wizard and back it works as expected.

Expected behavior: MDX in global filter being applied on load of the Wizard

Component: First step of a Wizard

Version: 2021.21.11


  1. Initial load of the wizard - showing the unfiltered list

2. Screenshot of the same selection after moving to step 2 and back to step 1 - list is now filtered based on “Bridge Type” selector only showing weekly bridges

Apliqo Version 2021.21.11; TM1 version PA; Browser: Chrome; OS Linux



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