Include the "Reverse Element Drill" in the List Type (Expand Above)

Issue #392 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

Include an out of the box option for a reverse element drill.

The syntax for this would be similar to the Element Drill, but with an extra parameter.

Look at this example:

{Hierarchize ( { TM1DrillDownMember( { [dim].[hier].[element] }, ALL, Recursive) }, POST )}

This is very useful to show subtotals on the lower side of the table on the rows or on the right side of the table on the columns.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Customer request.

    Note: this would actually not be expanding the already available list types but would be an additional “expand above” option in the settings json. If true then the MDX for the rows (or columns) would be wrapped with {Hierarchize ( {mdx without expand above}, POST )}

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