"showTopBorder": false & a title appears

Issue #40 resolved
Maurycy Mioduski created an issue

I want to keep the TopBoarder, but hide the subtitle in a widget (any widget).

The advanced options look as follows:

"showTopBorder": true,
"shouldShowTitlesSeparator": false,
"showSpinner": false,
"subTitle": false,
"showFooter": false,

When I set

"showTopBorder": false,

the title is hidden:

It seems to be a bug that enables title whenever the TopBoarder is on.

Comments (2)

  1. tomer ganz

    showTopBorder = true , actually refers to the entire title with the border, so this is the expected behavior

    is this is critical , we can open a new change request and add to the parking lot

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