Login Problem with WAF info

Issue #406 resolved
Eloy Briceño created an issue

Hello Team, good afternoon.

Currently, we have an issue with one of our customers (Eurofins) in Belgium, the goal of this project is to:

  • expose the Apliqo app to the Internet (it is covered by Web Application Firewall)

status: done -> https://egrppapoc.eurofins.com:8443/Apliqo_Demo

  • configure Apliqo users authentication to use IBM CA, which is already integrated with Eurofins Federated Authentication System

(other applications like TM1 web is already reconfigured and users are able to login with the credentials via FAMS).

At this stage, we have tried everything we can from the configuration point of view but no success, it does not work..

from the user perspective:

  1. They run the apps from the link https://egrppapoc.eurofins.com:8443/Apliqo_Demo
  2. Apliqo redirects them to CA, which redirect them to Eurofins FAMS:

  3. After I put the credentials, it redirect me back to the CA, which redirect me to Apliqo:

And at this stage, it got Stuck with the status “Please Wait…”

We are attaching some files that we consider could be helpful but if more information is needed, do not hesitate to let us know.

Apliqo Version is 2021.02.00

Thanks in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Eloy Briceño reporter

    Hello team, good afternoon.

    I attached two HAR files one is a successful login with tm1 web and the other is unsuccessful login to apliqo.

    And as I said before, all the ports needed for this to make it wor are already open so this is not the cause of it. So, no network issue or port being blocked.

    Kind Regards.

  2. Eloy Briceño reporter
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  3. Eloy Briceño reporter

    Hello Team, good afternoon.

    This issue is still open and we have been trying to figure it out with the client but with no success… The last test we did just confirmed that there are no port issues that could be stopping this to work (see attachment MicrosoftTeams-video_10.zip).

    I think the best solution for this would be if any of you could join us at the next meeting with the client in order to troubleshoot this together with your expertise. If so, could you please be so kind of letting me know when is the best time for doing it so I can arrange it with the client?

    Thanks in advance.

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