Issue with Copy / Paste in UX (2.3 and 2.4)

Issue #41 resolved
Marco Mastrolonardo created an issue

One user reported a strange issue to us, and we were able to replicate it on our end as well. When opening a view and copy pasting a bunch of cells from a column to another one, the pasted date is not visible but, if you click on a singe cell, you can see the data inside. Then, if you then refresh the view, these data are vanished, since it is probably not sent to the server.

NOTE: this issue does not happen if I paste the cells in a fully N level range (for example if I paste it into the third row onwards). Moreover, after a few attempts, it starts working as expected. If I reload the page, then I get the same issue again…

Comments (10)

  1. Maurycy Mioduski

    Hi All,

    please take it with highest priority. This issue occurs also on TBMS.

    Thank you.

  2. Stuart Richardson

    The problem occurs when the first edit cell that the user attempts to copy is exactly the same as the first destination edit cell.

    Issue has been fixed and checked into the develop branch.

  3. Maurycy Mioduski


    is this solved? we need to get the package to deploy for Budget app.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Stuart Richardson

    Hi Maurycy,

    We are doing a number of bug fixes and am planning on releasing a 2.4.1 which contains these and other fixes.
    Just trying to understand your urgency on this fix, is this something you need right now or is it something that can wait for the 2.4.1 release.

  5. Maurycy Mioduski

    Hi Stuart, we want to go live next week and ideally this issues should be fixed beforehand.

    However, I don’t to want to take any risk and deploy a not fully tested version of UX to get potentially new bugs.

    Kind regards | Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

    Maurycy Mioduski Practice Manager


    Cubewise Switzerland IBM Platinum Business Partner Level 4, Witikonerstrasse 15, Zurich 8032, Switzerland m. +41 79 103 0019 | f. +41 44 552 0583

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