Unable to select widget type

Issue #420 closed
Abdoul Mamadou Ba created an issue


somene can help me, i cant see the widget type ?

i use a admin account.



Comments (4)

  1. Care-BE

    Hello guys,

    I hope you are well.

    Any idea on this?
    To give you more context, we copied the application (same data, content store and app) and put it up and running and the widget type menu appears.
    Any idea we should start looking at?

    Thanks in advance.



  2. Care-BE

    Hello Tomer

    Yes, Ada commented that you recommend creating a new CS and Apliqo app from scratch and migrating what is needed when you have a gap in between the current Apliqo UX version and the last release.

    It would be good if you include this information in the upgrade process information, and also, with Ada, we are looking for a way to identify the changes that must be migrated from the previous content store.




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