Major Feature Request DB: Multiple selection of individual dimensions in widgets

Issue #432 resolved
Nico Sorokin created an issue

It should be possible to select and assign individual dimensions multiple times as variables.

I want to give the user the ability to compare 2 months by themself, but with only one month dimension and we don't want to duplicate the dimension.

Selection 1: Dim "T Year-Month" = Variable M1
Selection 1: Dim "T Year-Month" = Variable M2

e.g. MDX statement for x-axis

{[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<DB.T Year-Month.Variable M1>>]},
{[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<DB.T Year-Month.Variable M2>>]}

If we had the ability to optionally specify for a dropdown list what the variable is named to store the current value of the list.
Currently it is the case that the name is automatically created from the information "InstanceName.Dimension.Hierarchy".

So if you want to store a dimension twice in a dashboard, you currently have to store an additional copy of the dimension or a different hierarchy of the dimension.
This is cumbersome for e.g. a simple monthly comparison and is currently implemented by a separate widget.
If it should be possible to choose the variable name, this would save development effort and keep the TM1 server tidy.

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