Pipe ( | ) converted to forward slash ( / ) in element names in MDX

Issue #438 resolved
Ada Trajer created an issue

Pipe ( | ) in element names is changed to forward slash ( / ) in the mdx expressions (in json file) generated during the TI process configuration using the subset editor.


[Test New].[Test New].[Test | 1],
[Test New].[Test New].[Test | 2],
[Test New].[Test New].[Test | 3]

changed to:

"tm1Mdx": "{[Test New].[Test New].[Test / 1],[Test New].[Test New].[Test / 2],[Test New].[Test New].[Test / 3]}"

Comments (3)

  1. Ada Trajer reporter

    To solve this issue, make the following change in the settings.json file: "cellUpdate": {
    "enablePipeCharacterReplacement": false

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