Subset Editor, Sort by Alias/Attributes works different

Issue #456 resolved
Nico Sorokin created an issue

If I sort by attributes description ASC and DESC, I get two different results, Sort by ASC the element “Original Value“ is outside the sorting, in DESC is inside the sorting

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    @Nico Sorokin I looked into this and the MDX we are generating is correct (However is does need to be adjusted to use full standard MDX syntax not TM1 shorthand.) Why our subset editor is displaying a different result versus pasting the same MDX into Arc MDX Lab I really can’t explain. Illia will need to look at it.

    Illia - 2 issues.

    1. We need to generate standard MDX not shorthand for attributes. i.e. [Dimension].[Hierarchy].CurrentMember.Properties(“Attribute”) not [Dimension].[Attribute]
    2. For both ASC and BASC although we are generating the MDX we seem to not be using it and just displaying the original set. Below the same MDX in Arc (correct) and in UX (incorrect)

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