Connection broken (Widget Grid)

Issue #472 closed
Lance Wang created an issue

Description :

Open a dashboard/widget and change the filter (like year week), 1st time is okay, after that, change the filter, it looks like the connection with TM1 is broken already, have to refresh the whole page(F5) and shortly back to normal, after change filter again, the connection is broken AGAIN!

But, the User will assume the query is in progress and waiting for the response. In fact , can not find any running session of the user. -> check with PIC. UX hang .png

Pulse is no session running -> check with PIC. connection break.png

  • session timeout is set 480mins
  • try getAllAttributes = False, it's better than setting as Ture, but still, the issue occurs occasionally.

UX version : 2021.11.FP3

TM1 Version :

Browser: Chrome, Edge

Comments (4)

  1. tomer ganz

    as a workaround has been applied, as this happens very occasionally, this is been closed for now.

    please feel free to re-open if you can replicate after the upgrade to latest version

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