Export calculated column to Excel results in blank column

Issue #474 resolved
Cindy created an issue

We have a calculated column in an Apliqo report with this formula:

=IF(AH1 / IF(M1 = 0, 1, M1) > 5, 0, IF(M1 = 0, 0, AH1 / IF(M1 = 0, 1, M1)))

When we export the report to Excel, we get these error messages:

Repair Result to ___.verbose0.xml
Errors were detected in file '___.xlsx'

Removed Records: Formula from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part
Removed Records: Formula from /xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml part

When we open my report, the calculated column header shows up but the values are all blank.

Are formulas of this complexity supported during export? We are on the linux version 2022.06 (latest version).

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