Linux - App Import process

Issue #475 resolved
Eric Steingrabe created an issue

Hi Apliqo team,
We are running Apliqo UX on linux and face an annoying issue. The TI to import an UX App (}APQ.UX.Dim.App.Import) has parts of the file name it is constructing hardcoded using camel case capitalisation. However the App export TI in linux exports the app all with lower case. As linux is case sensitive it does not find the .csv to import.
Therefore we manually have to change the import TI to expect a filename with lower case (or change the hardcoded bits to lower case). Would it be possible to get this small change implemented to the TI so this is shipped as part of UX - just add 2 lower statements:



This should not impact the TI in windows environments. We are running 2021.11 FP1 and currently testing 2022.06.


Eric Steingrabe


Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Eric, you can apply your local fix to get around this issue. This will be fixed in the next FP release so you shoudn't need to worry about needing to reapply the local fix.

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