Full MDX View - Change the Cube Deletes the Full MDX Statement

Issue #486 resolved
Adam Davis created an issue

The Cube value is independent of the MDX as the cube reference is specified in the FROM statement in the Full MDX. However it may be necessary to change the cube reference after the MDX statement is written to move the appropriate dimension on the row and columns so that attributes can be applied to the grid. If the cube reference is wrong then the dimension can not moved onto the row or columns unless the dimension exists in the mismatched cube.

This is cause for Apliqo_Demo \ Full MDX View \ Calculated Member - Special Discount *10. In this case the Full MDX is using the Retail cube while the Cube is set to General Ledger.

Changing the cube to retail to move the Retail Measure onto the Columns resets the grid.

Replacing the FULL MDX returns the original grid.

Expected Behaviour: Changing the cube value should not change or remove the FULL MDX statement.

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