TI Toolbar PopUp not geting the parameter Create issue

Issue #490 closed
Jenni McAnalen created an issue

When passing a parameter to a toolbar popup tI process via the settings service the parameter is not passed if the selection is a widget filter. If the filter is moved to global filters the parameter is passed successfully.

Comments (8)

  1. tomer ganz
    • changed status to open

    we need more information in order to understand what is the issue. can you please add a couple of screen shots which explains what are you trying to do

  2. tomer ganz

    thanks for attaching the screen shots,

    this is not a bug, rather how the UX works.

    the global settings for all the dimensions are only driven by global filters, and internal filters are not being captured.

    therefore when trying to reference a placeholder in the JSON it must refer to a value from the global filters.

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