Full MDX mode sends incorrect query to server

Issue #493 closed
Ryan Clapp created an issue

Describe the bug
When using full MDX mode the query that gets sent to the server is incorrect. It appears that UX is taking the entered MDX, parsing it, then sending it the server. In this example if a user specifies a query where ON ROWS is the first axis specified, UX instead sends a query that has ON COLUMNS First. If the TM1IGNORE_BADTUPLES Keyword is included, it is excluded completely from the query.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a widget in full mdx mode
  2. Enter a query with On Rows as the first axis specified.
  3. Inspect the query sent to the server, note the mismatch

Expected behavior
Query should match what is entered into the MDX box


Comments (10)

  1. srichardson

    I cannot reproduce this problem.

    When adding “TM1IGNORE_BADTUPLES”, ApliqoUX’s MDX parser will fail to parse the MDX meaning that the full MDX as supplied will be sent to the server…
    so the correct table should be returned.

    I will however look into adding TM1IGNORE_BADTUPLES to our MDX parser.

  2. srichardson

    Just checking that you are running the latest version of ApliqoUX.

    I am happy to have a call to see the issue.

  3. Ryan Clapp reporter

    Running the latest major release without a fix pack.

    We are in EST if you want to set up a call.

  4. srichardson

    There were a number of issues with the ”Full MDX” feature that have been rectified with the latest fix pack.
    Upgrading to the UX 22' June FP1 should rectify this issue for you.

  5. tomer ganz

    this should be resolved in the 2022 June FP1 release, please re-open if still happens after the upgrade

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