Picklists allow the entry of invalid data

Issue #495 resolved
Roy created an issue

Describe the bug
Apliqo UX does not appear to restrict the data entry to only those items defined in a TM1 picklist. Although the data is not sent to TM1, the entered value stays in the cell as if it has been accepted. It is only upon refreshing the screen or entering a valid entry in a cell is the invalid data is replaced with the previous value.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a UX screen or use the cube view that displays a cell that has a picklist.
  2. Enter a value that is not on the list.
  3. Do not refresh the view.
  4. Notice that the value stays, as if it has been accepted.
  5. Enter a valid value in another cell and wait for the screen to refresh.
  6. Notice that the invalid entry disappears and the previous entry is shown.

Expected behavior
For the user to only be able to enter / select the values from the picklist, or delete the contents of the cell. For the user to get an error message if the value is not sent to the cube.


Additional context

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