Workflow progress with color indicators

Issue #497 resolved
Ulas created an issue

It would be a nice feature to have workflow progress indicators in the wizard. A functionality with submit button (or simply the action assigned to the Next button) could change the color of each step/substep in the progress bar as well as the respectful security model. Meaning the access to the cube/element would become READ. OR just to keep the settings in the content store, we could simply change the table settings to read.

This is an example from Board where they have the overall S&OP workflow and they indicate the progress with colors.

And the user clicks a button in one of the steps.

Then this is the result on the workflow page (homepage).

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Ulas, This only really works in the example shown as the steps are mono-dimensional. But almost always with an application in TM1 any workflow status will be multi-dimensional and the status will depend on one or more filter dimensions in addition to the task/screen. Therefore this isn't really a feature for UX but for an individual application as it relies too much on the data model specific to the application. For example we have workflow with color status indicator linked to element security in FPM, and likewise this is the way I would suggest for Supply Focus.

  2. Ulas reporter

    Well yes and no. In many cases, the workflow status is depending on the main version, the current year, and a specific business dimension (department, or company). So from a business process perspective, this is mono-dimensional although technically we have a bunch of others included. Nevertheless, my ask is to keep it less related to the data model and maintain the colors of the steps from a control cube in the content store so I can process the “right” status from the workflow cube at a given time to the control cube in the CS.

    Maybe what you did in the FPM is more or less the same thing. Where can I see this?

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