Tomcat using up all CPUs over time without releasing them

Issue #498 closed
Eric Steingrabe created an issue

Describe the bug
The tomcat server in our environment using up all CPUs on the server without releasing them. We noticed that this behaviour is creeping up during high usage times (usually month end / planning cycles).

To Reproduce
Hard to reproduce

Additional Context

Can we please get some support / pointers on how to dig into the logfiles to understand what the server actually run so we can rectify this issue. A service restart releases all CPUs and the application becomes usable again.

The server is running 64 CPUs and 128GB RAM so can’t be underpowered.


2022.06 FP1 (but had this issue before in 2022.06)

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9 (Maipo)

Screenshot of the service monitor attached



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