Iframe height issue

Issue #510 closed
Wei Wang created an issue

In testing v2022.06 FP2, we noticed that there is an issue in setting the iframe height. Regardless of the size of the embedded iframe (or the cardConfig height), the iframe height appear to be fixed at 150 px, which cuts off most of the content. For example, when I embed our Arc link in the iframe, it looks like this:

Inspecting the code and comparing between v2021.11 FP3 and the latest version, I notice that the iframe height is missing which may be causing the issue (perhaps it defaults to 150 px).

v2022.06 FP2:

<iframe class="frame " height="" width="100%" frameborder="0" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" ng-src="https://..." src="https://..."></iframe>

v2021.11 FP3:

<iframe class="frame " height="666.5114" width="100%" frameborder="0" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" ng-src="https://..." src="https://..."></iframe>

Comments (7)

  1. Ada Trajer
    • changed status to open

    Hi Wei, I was not able to replicate your issue yet. Initially when I tested it in the demo app, the iframe content was also cut, but setting the card height and reloading the page fixed the issue.

    1.png 2.png

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    Hi Ada, I did a bit more investigation and it appears this issue is only apparent with “Flexible Layout” enabled. Without Flexible Layout, it is fine

  3. Ada Trajer

    I was able to replicate the issue and we will look into this, but as this is only happening in flexible layout the priority was changed to minor.

  4. Wei Wang reporter

    please feel free to close this ticket, the combination of flex-grid w/ iframes is very rare situation and we did find some workarounds

  5. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear Wei, the issue will be closed as per your suggestion and workaround possibilities, however, do create another ticket if you feel the issue is again pretinent.

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