The hierarchy consolidation is broken in zero suppressed state

Issue #511 resolved
Aleksandr Kolchugin created an issue

In the dashboard, you can unfold and close consolidation:

After we choose zero suppression and try to unfold consolidation, the hierarchy is broken and is frozen

We have tested it in the Production environment (version 2021.21.11 ) in edit mode, and it works fine with or without suppression.

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Aleksandr,

    We need some more detail on how to reproduce or maybe a test case. I have tried to reproduce this but with zero supression on and some children not having values is isn’t breaking the hierarchy and the display is normal with the indentation.

  2. Aleksandr Kolchugin reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I don’t have the steps how to reproduce the issue. We just have the report which is working in previous version of Apliqo and doesn’t work in the last one.

    If it helps we can organize screen-sharing session that you can help us to find missed details.

  3. Andrei Danciuc

    No, do not even thinking to reproduce it !

    PS. I am just trolling you, please remove me from your discussion here.

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