Merge widgets using full MDX

Issue #513 on hold
Radu Cantor created an issue

Currently, if you have two or many merged widgets, only the first one (master) can use a full MDX query.

It would be really useful to be able to merge widgets and use full MDX queries in each individual widget separately while still displaying everything as one table.

Same requirement for the merged subviews in a view.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi @radu_cantor there is a lot going on already to make merged widgets possible as we don’t enforce havig the same hierarchy or even the same dimension on the rowset between the sub-widgets. Only the element name needs to match and the correct [dimension].[herarchy] is injected into the MDX based on the settings for the sub-widget. To make this possible we need to execute the MDX for the master-widget and wait for the response from the server and then snip out the ON ROWS statement and do a find/replace for the correct [dimension].[hierarchy] pair and then the MDX for the sub-wisgets gets executed.

    It is a powerful feature but there is a lot that can go wrong already which we trust to the report developer to understand and not stuff up (e.g. if any element keys from the master-widget don’t exist in any sub-widgets then the batch will fail and the widget won’t render).

    If we allowed an option for full MDX per sub-widget then we would swap one problem (element names needing to match) for at least another 2 (rowcount must match, and no way to handle zero-supression toggle). I'm not ruling this out as impossible but it is definately not straightforward. You need to articulate a use case as to why this would be useful/necessary.

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