Displaying Rank Number in a View

Issue #533 resolved
İsmail Cihan Sivridemir created an issue


The need: To see the rank when a column was sorted in a View.

Details: A customer wants to see the rank of row elements in Views. Excel header button enables to see row number and column letters, however, it can only be activated in edit mode. Availability of Edit mode for a non admin user was discussed on Cubewise Forum and it concluded that there will be drawbacks such as cube and advanced settings changes by a non admin users by accident or on purpose.

A Desired Enhancement: It seems to be useful and practical that non admin users have ability to activate excel headers button without precondition of edit mode activation.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    So to clarrify, the request is simply that end users have the ability to toggle on Excel Headers without first activating edito mode?

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