Full MDX View - not pulling dim captions

Issue #542 new
Wei Wang created an issue

When use the new Full Cube MDX to set the view, Apliqo is not pulling in the dimension captions on the row dimension. One workaround would be to still have the dimension set on the rows but this workaround does not work if we are setting dynamic dimensions on the rows. The row headers would always take the order of the dimensions set on the rows. Please follow the example below in Apliqo_Demo:

Navigate to screen below:

Set caption on Product dimension to “PRD”:

As expected, the row header for the Grid now shows “PRD”. Now let’s reset the “Product” dimension as we don’t want our MDX to be fixed on the “Product” dimension on the rows:

Now the row header caption is not showing “PRD” anymore:

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Wei,

    This is quite an edgy edge case. Via the view settings you can instruct UX which hierarchies are on rows and columns in the widget and therefore which attribute to display, even if the view definition is using full MDX.

    The MDX can by quite dynamic if the string is retrieved as an attribute value from a title dimension for example, including changing the row and column axes. However should the hierarchies on rows or columns be switched out then we have no way of also dynamically doing this modification in the settings. Therefore UX no longer has the required information to know which attribute to display.

    This is therefore an anhancement request not a bug as you are requesting a feature which doesn’t currently exist.

    Assuming you specifically want to see the Caption attribute then the simplest way to solve this would be to have a true/false switch to display caption on rows and columns. Would this be sufficient for your use case?

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    Thanks for your quick reply Scott! Just to clarify, I was referring specifically to the row dimension label (i.e., Caption in }DimensionAttirbutes), not the attributes on the row/column elements. This caption (in my example, “PRD” for the “Product” dimension) is picked up by Apliqo and used as the column header label if I’m not using MDX view. When I switch to Full MDX view, this dimension caption of “PRD” is no longer applied and I see the original dimension name (i.e., “Product”).

    On a related note, I did notice that keeping the dimensions in the rows in Cube Settings (while using Full MDX), does allows UX to pick up the dimension label but the ordering is static. For example, if I have Product + Region stacked in that order, whatever Label overrides I put in applies always to the first/second column labels. If the Full MDX has a different ordering, the wrong labels get applied to the columns headers (see screenshot below):

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    I did notice that keeping the dimensions in the rows in Cube Settings (while using Full MDX), does allows UX to pick up the dimension label but the ordering is static. For example, if I have Product + Region stacked in that order, whatever Label overrides I put in applies always to the first/second column labels. If the Full MDX has a different ordering, the wrong labels get applied to the columns headers

    Hi Wei,

    Yes that’s the way it works. I woudl class that as “works as intended”. The full MDX allows you to set the view with a complete MDX statement (which could be dynamic based on setting service variables). However, which attributes to display on rows and columns still relies on the mapping within the view settings which is actually ignored when full MDX is used except for this express purpose. So if you want to see the caption then you still need to drag the hierarchy to the approprate position that it is referenced in the MDX Select statement.

  4. Wei Wang reporter

    Thanks for clarifying on this Scott! Just to recap:

    1. Full MDX row dimension labels can currently be set (to be different from dimension name) if the dimension is pulled down to rows in situations where the row dimension order is static
    2. If our MDX sets the row dimension order dynamically, we cannot use the method in (1) since applying the label for each row dimension is fixed based on the order of the dimensions in “Widget Rows”
    3. Full MDX does not apply the }DimensionAttribute “Caption” as it only uses the native dimension names as the labels

    Our requested enhancements would be (2) and (3)

  5. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Wei,

    1. seems like a statement not issue or question. Yes this is correct where row header captions are manual entry text.
    2. yes this is also correct. If you want row dimensions to be dynamic then you can’t use manual captions.
    3. This is definately a bug. If a caption is defined in }DimensionAttributes then this should always display in preference to the principal name regardless of which UX component.

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