Adv Option to disable cell-level "Notifications" in context menu

Issue #545 open
Wei Wang created an issue

The recently added “Notifications” functionality has been a great addition and we appreciate the team’s efforts in providing this enhancement to Apliqo. There are certain screens where we would want to disable the ability for the user to use the cell-level notification on right-clicking the cell. This is most relevant in views where TM1 cannot store the annotations with virtual hierarchies (

Even though there is an existing “table” Adv Option parameter (“annotations->enabled”) to disable the “comments” option, this parameter does not disable the “notifications” item in the context menu. It would be great to either (a) have an option similar to “annotations->enabled” to hide the “notifications” item or (b) automatically hide “notifications” in the context menu on views where annotations are not possible.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    I think the existing annotations enabled = false should be sufficient to also block notifications from the context menu. The user can always use notificatiosn from the sidebar but if annotations are not possible due to intersection of multiple alrernate hierarchies then turnign comments off would also have the effect of attempting to insert the notification as a cell annotation which can’t actually be posted.

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