Export to PDF doesn't support multiline header

Issue #546 resolved
Aleksandr Kolchugin created an issue

Describe the bug
The multiline header doesn’t export to PDF as it is shown on a screen.

To Reproduce in Dashboard
1. When chose the option Export/Print, the headers look good:

2. When chose the option Export/PDF, the headers look not good:

Expected behavior
The dashboard printed to PDF as it is shown on a screen.

The dashboard uses custom style:

Please find it in the attachment:

  • custom-style.css

Comments (4)

  1. Ada Trajer

    The problem can be solved by using custom css class that allows text-wrapping in the column headers.

    .handsontable th.wraptext { overflow-wrap: break-word !important; white-space: pre-line !important; }

    When using this class to avoid any table formatting issues Fixed Row Headers advanced option needs to be disabled:

    "table": { "columnFormat": { "": [ { "className": "wraptext" } ] }, "fixedRowHeaders": { "enabled": false },

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