Cell Notifications causing TM1 Server problems

Issue #561 resolved
Mario Camargo created an issue

Describe the bug
When adding a notification to a cell in a report we noticed a bunch of threads in Pulse hitting this resource:

Suddenly the TM1 server started to act weird and the threads never disappeared, access to the server was compromised and we had to restart the affected server

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to a report and right click on a cell
  2. Click Notifications
  3. Fill the data and click “Post”

Expected behavior
Notifications process to work and not flood the server with threads and not block server access.




Additional context
It has happened before that a user opens an Apliqo report and threads appear on the system that never go away and lock objects, since the thread never disappear we always have to restart the system

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Mario,

    Are {"path": "/Annotations.*","method": "GET"} and added to allowedRestPaths in the settings.json file?

  2. Mario Camargo reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Yes, this two blocks are inside allowedRestPaths:

    "path": "/Annotations.",
    "method": "GET"
    "path": "/Annotations(.)",
    "method": "DELETE"

  3. Scott Wiltshire

    Thanks for confirming that Annotations is added to allowedRestPaths.

    This hasn’t been reported before and we can’t replicate. Is there anything special about the cell intersection that you are attempting to annotate? For example are Instance Type and Software Type alternate hierarchies? (Or any of the other filters or row or column dimensions for that matter?) I’m asking this question becasue although TM1 can store a string value against consolidations from alternate hierarchies only 1 hierarchy from any one dimension can be addressed. TM1 cannot store (or retrieve) a comment from the intersection of multiple hierarchies. This might be what is happening and so we are sending a request that the server is unable to resolve (and doesn’t handle simply with an error). If this is the case then it is something we could address in Apliqo by automatically disabeling the comments and nofifications context menu if an intersection of multiple hierarchies of any one dimension is detected in the cell address. But if the rest request for such a case is causing hanging threads then this woould also be a PMR issue for IBM.

    Could you please check if there is an intersection of multiple hierarchies when this happens?

  4. Mario Camargo reporter

    This particular view is really simple, all of the elements related to that cell come from the main hierarchy of each dimension in the cube, there is no use of alternate hierarchies.

  5. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi Mario, thank you for the additional information. Unfortunately as we can’t replicate this in our environment we would need a (as simple as possible) reproducible test case where the hanging GET api/v1/Annotations can be reliably reproduced in order to investigate further.

    I know other groups within AWS are using the Apliqo UX notifications feature. DO you know if anyone else has a similar issue?

  6. tomer ganz

    Hey, I believe you are still using relatively old version of UX, this has been resolved on the 2022.12 release.

    Please let us know if you still facing this issue after upgrade to latest version

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