TI Parameter Subnm - expanding C-level element

Issue #563 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

When we set up a TI parameter with “subnm”, there isn’t a way to expand on C-level elements that were not initially expanded as part of the initial MDX. For example, if we look at the Region dimension in Apliqo_Demo, we see three levels of elements:

However, if we use the Adv Option below to define the TI parameters, we see the elements below, without any way to expand America, Europe, Asia. The only way to have the C-levels expandable is to have our original MDX show their children, which results in too many elements showing up in our original list.

Proposed enhancement is to have the subnm lists work similar to the expand/collapse behavior in the grid itself (i.e., C-level elements can be expanded but this can be disabled w/ a “disable drill” parameter).

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Ada can you please check if this is already fixed in Develop & Dec Release branches? (I think it is but not 100%). Also need to check if this is also working for subnm-multi

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