Rendering large view and changing filter value

Issue #564 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

This is a bit difficult to replicate on Apliqo_Demo given the size of the model but I’ll try my best to describe the behavior. Please reach out if you need any additional context.

  • Suppose we have a grid view that takes 10 seconds to fully render in Apliqo. This is bottlenecked due to performance of the MDX query on the TM1 server itself.
  • During these 10 secs, the grid itself shows the spinning icon but users are able to interact with the filter bars (i.e., change the element selected).
  • If the user does not wait for the grid to fully render and changes a filter before it finishes, this appears to trigger a second MDX query call.
  • The second MDX query now takes priority and is the first to render figures on the screen.
  • However, a few seconds later, the first MDX query will finish and the grid table will now unexpectedly refresh and show the results of this first query.
  • The filtered selection is out of sync with the data shown in the table. The table should be showing figure from the second filter selection but instead shows numbers from the original filter selection.

In this situation, it would make sense to have a mechanism which either (a) cancels the original MDX query when a filter is changed, or (b) disables the filterbar for selection while a query is running and the table has not finished rendering. Otherwise, the data shown is not correct and does not match up with the filter selections.

Comments (4)

  1. Wei Wang reporter

    Great thank you for investigating/replicating/fixing! Looking forward to seeing this on the next release!

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