Row dim context menu - Keep + leaves

Issue #568 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

It would be great to have an additional MDX option in the right click context menu when the user right-clicks on the row dimension headers. Specifically, an option for “Keep + leaves” would be very useful since we often deal with reconciliations and having the N-level detail and subtotal at the total would be a huge benefit. Thank you!

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    I had planned to respond that this is done in the next release. But I just checked the Dec release branch and it isn’t. We added Keep + Parent but not Keep + Leaves.

    Ada - can you please create a card for this?

    Elements” context menu should be renamed to Selection. Keep + leaves should be added. Order of items in list should be:

    1. Keep
    2. Keep + children
    3. Keep + descendants
    4. Keep + leaves
    5. Keep leaves
    6. Keep + parent
    7. Remove
    8. Remove + descendants
    9. Show all

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Just checked and I can confirm this is included in Dec release.

    (However the element selection context menu works in grid widget and views but doesn’t work in cube viewer. I will open new bug ticket for that issue).

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