Cubeviewer. Spreading proportionally from consolidation.

Issue #574 resolved
Aleksandr Kolchugin created an issue


The customer wants to spread numbers proportionally by inputting data on a C-level element.

It is impossible to do in the Widget-Cube viewer if there’s a rule applied to a cell:

Whereas you allow to do it into other web interfaces:

Widget - Grid


Please add the possibility of spreading data from C-level elements with applied rules into the Widget-Cube viewer.


Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Confirm able to replicate using sample database.

    Retail cube. Input view.

    Providing that input on consolidations is enabled then spreading works in a cube viewer widget for this view.

    "inputOnConsolidations": {
          "enabled": true,
          "defaultSpreadingPrefix": "P",
          "defaultSpreadingDirection": ""

    Adding a simple rule for a single consolidation disables the data input in the UX cube view while it is still possible for other consolidations.

    ['Product':'Product':'Bottles and Cages'] = C: ConsolidateChildren('Product');

    However in other GUIs spreading is still possible for this consolidation (and works).

    There’s no reason why UX should prohibit spreading where there is a rule. It is up to the server to accept or reject the spread. Fix should apply to any widget type where data entry on consolidation is possible; cube viewer, view, grid widget.

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