MDX using attributes with setting service reference is no longer working

Issue #582 resolved
Scott Wiltshire created an issue

Describe the bug
In 2022.06 in the case of widget row or column dimension chained to dependent filters (i.e. use case is where selection of one filter drives available elements in 2nd filter. The selection of the 2nd filter in turn is used within MDX in a widget to drive rows or columns). Even with wait for filters = true and get all attributes = true this wasn’t workign properly with a reference like this in the widget rows ..

{[Quote Analysis Company].[Industry].[$<<PMIM.Company.Company::PeerGrp_Industry>>]}

In 2022.12 this issue is fixed and the example above is working. However, the alternative MDX which we needed to formerly use becasue the setting service returned empty for the attribute value of a dependent filter is now no longer working e.g.

{StrToMember("[Quote Analysis Company].[Industry].["+[Company].[Company].[$<<PMIM.Company.Company>>].Properties("PeerGrp_Industry")+"]")}

This should return the exact same result but now no longer works in UX.

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