Column grouping options are missing from cube settings GUI

Issue #602 resolved
Scott Wiltshire created an issue

Describe the bug
For column dimensions the old cube settings dialog had the option to enable/disable column grouping and set the attribute to base the grouping on (if empty then attribute called “Group” would be used by default.) In the new cube settings GUI these options are missing for column dimensions. Therefore if a column dimension contains an attribute called “Group” there is no way to disable grouping or conversly if the report author wants to base couumn header grouping on an attribute of their choice there is no way to configure this.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place dimension containing Group attribute on columns in a widget or subview
  2. Disable column grouping
  3. You can’t!

Expected behavior
There needs to be a true/false slider for “Enable column grouping” and a text box/select field for attribute name for “Grouping Attribute”. These fields should be displayed in the GUI only for column dimensions and not for rows or filter.

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