Pressing the TI button twice on a grid widget will result in an error

Issue #618 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

When the user opens a grid pop-up and presses the OK button more than once, the second time it will result in an error, because the pop-up loses the setting service.

You can see in the picture that the value used is $<<TBMS.TBM Tender.TBM Tender>> instead of the real tender value.

The TI should pass the variables correctly no matter how many times the TI is executed in the same pop-up instance.

Please note that the TI widget is embedded in the page.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    I have updated the priority on this issue to blocker.

    This bug is even more critical on embedded TI widgets which may have a purpose where the process gets run with different parameters multiple times from within a dashboard “control pannel”. In such a case the embedded TI widget works fine on first run, but then any parameters which had default (or fixed if the parameter has input disabled) value from setting service variable then the value changes to $<<instance.dim.hier>> and the only way to fix is to reload the page.

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