KPI Trend Widget - Multiple Bugs

Issue #619 open
David Wise created an issue

Describe the bug
KPI Trend widgets show incorrect values.

To Reproduce
Issues can be seen in the Apliqo Demo instance in the ‘Sales Dashboard’ example:

  1. The main value shown is for the first period in the trend, wouldn’t it make more sense if it was the last period? E.g. if a rolling 12 months is shown in the trendline, it would be better if the main KPI value showed the last month in that rolling 12-month period. In the screenshot, the value of 44.9 K for All Products is the January value
  2. What shows as the comparison version value is actually the second month’s actual value. E.g. in the screenshot, the value of 34.4 K for All Products is the February value, not the Budget value
  3. Subsequent KPI boxes (where multiple measures have been specified) are actually showing a continuation of the values from the first measure. E.g. in the screenshot, the values of 48.3 K Actual and 47.8 K Budget for Accessories are actually the March and April Actual values for All Products

Expected behavior

  1. Main value in KPI box should be the last period in the trend.
  2. Comparison values should be the comparison element value.
  3. Subsequent KPI boxes should show values from relative measure


Comments (2)

  1. Ada Trajer
    • changed status to open

    Thank you for opening the ticket. We were able to replicate the issue and we'll reach out if we require any additional information.

  2. Joana MFC Corte-Real

    Dear David,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    I am changing this to an enhancement as KPI was designed in a specific way to address specific scenarios. In order to further understand your requirements, please contact us.

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