Adjust/be able to expand advanced Column Filters window width

Issue #624 resolved
Rodrigo Mazziero created an issue

Describe the bug
Cannot read the whole text on the window of the Advanced columns filters on Views and/or Grid widgets, for certain cases with long texts, as the window width is fixed.

This can be common for HR models for example, where the name of the employee or the position is a long description and the user may want to filter only a few.

To Reproduce
On the Demo UX_Samples:

  1. use the product description as one column of a grid,
  2. enable the column filters
  3. try to filter the column of the product description
  4. the window that appears has the width fixed, you cannot read the whole text..

Expected behavior
The ideal scenario would be that the width of the window of the column filter adjusts automatically with the size of the text, as an alternative, the ability to expand horizontally the window so it is possible to read the whole text would be ok.


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