Zero suppression not working on initial load in wizard steps

Issue #639 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

I noticed a critical issue related to the activation of zero-suppression in Wizard steps when the substep is a View. On loading the screen, zero suppression does not take effect at all (which is particularly impactful for views w/ stacked row dimensions). Please follow the steps below to replicate in Apliqo_Demo:

  • Start with the “Sales Planning” wizard under “Workflow Examples”
  • Create a new Wizard step/substep using the “General Ledger” cube and the “P&L” cube view as a starting point. Make sure to create the page as a View rather than a Grid on a Dashboard
  • Activate zero suppression on the rows

  • Save the edit and refresh the page
  • It will show up with zero suppression off. If you toggle the zero suppression button on/off again, you will see the expected behavior of the zero rows hiding.

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