New Cube Settings - close cube selection by default

Issue #641 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

This is more of a suggestion related to the new cube settings building screen. On opening, this screen loads with the left panel open (where cubes can be selected). You can collapse this panel but it resets to open each time you re-open the cube settings. For the most part, those building in UX are rarely changing the cube source so perhaps it would make more sense to have this panel closed by default? Or maybe UX can remember the “last” state of the side panel. Thanks!

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Will have to check with Ilia how easy it would be to rember the state of the data source navigation pannel. But FYI a dockable state for the dimension settings (to the right of the cube viewer preview) is in the works.

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