Error Message for different security groups

Issue #646 resolved
Oscar Gonzalo created an issue

Hi Team,

I’m facing same issue reported on Jun’21 and wonder it it has been somehow fixed or workarounded.

We’re using 2022.06.00 FP2.

Kind regards,


Comments (11)

  1. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi @Oscar Gonzalo

    Without more context it is difficult to know what issue you are referring to.

    If you are referring to the issue that importing an (existing) app, e.g. in the scenario of a dev->prod migration would also overwrite the security settings in addition to updating new screens, screen layout settings, etc. this has been resolved in the 2022.12 release with the ability to skip security when importing. So to resolve this the recommmendation is that you upgrade to 2023.02 IF2 or 2023.05.

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi @Oscar Gonzalo

    The TM1 rest API has a requirement of ADMIN group membership to expose the tm1 server message log or any process error logs. For ordinary users such queries will fail and this is the result of the difference in the error returned to the user. From IBM’s perspective this is intended behavior since exposing either the line of code where the error occurs or the record of data causing the error to an unauthorized user presents a security risk.

    For Apliqo UX applications there is a workaround for this limitation in the API which is to trap major errors and write them to a message log cube. In the event of an error response the message string can be returned from the cube and displayed in the process dialog using the “after html” to retrieve and format the cell value. This just requires a small addition to the process to write to the message cube and small edit of the TI popup to include the html snippet.

  3. Oscar Gonzalo reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for your information and quick reaction.

    I’d appreciate if you can guide on where to find information about the ‘after html’. I can't identify nothing like that in the documentation or google.


  4. Scott Wiltshire

    HI Oscar,

    You would be best to discuss this with Maurycy or Radu. This is a small piece of development which would normally be handled during implementation project.

  5. Scott Wiltshire

    Handed off to local consulting team since not a product issue but rather local configuration requiring a small custom development.

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