Impersonate with securitymode 5 not logged in correctly with impersonated user to both instances (contentstore & datainstance)

Issue #663 resolved
Nico Sorokin created an issue

I just found out that the impersonate function in the UX only works for the content store while using securtiymode 5. It seems to me that in this impersonate mode only user rights of the impersonated user are applied only for UX/application and permissions and not for the data instance. I think it would be useful to apply this for CS and data instance, so that you can simulate a user as a whole.

Screenshot: Admin (impersonate another user) = data is shown, logged on datainstance with the user who started the impersonation

Screenshot: impersonated User = no data shown because restircted Userright in one dimension

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    I will see if I can replicate this with 2023.05 FP1. There was a bug in 2023.05 where impersonation didn't work at all but I'm not aware of any issues with 2023.02.

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Hi @Nico Sorokin

    I replicated this today and in 2023.05 FP1 impersonation is working completely OK with

    • mode 1 (TM1 security)
    • mode 2 (WIA)
    • mode 5 (CAM)

    As long as the user to be impersonated isn’t ADMIN in either the CS or data instance and exists in both instances then the user is impersonated in the CS plus all instances specified in the logonInstances property in the application’s instances.json file.

    The below screenshots are taken for CS and data instance using CAM mode 5.

    On logging in to UX can see that the user is being impersonated.

    Checking in Arc session monitor for both instances can see that the session is using impersonation in both instances.

    Therefore this seems resolved and working as intended to me.

    Recommendation - upgrade to 2023.05 FP1

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