Helper filter dim - cannot reposition

Issue #669 resolved
Wei Wang created an issue

First of all, major kudos to the UX team for introducing the “Helper” filter dims so we don’t have to arbitrarily create dummy cloned dimensions to achieve the same effect.

Just started experimenting with it and noticed that currently we are unable to reposition these “helper” filters among the regular filter dims. For example, if I want the “Region helper” dim to show up as the first filter in the filterbar, we cannot drag it to be before the non-helper dimensions. Not sure if this was by design due to limitations but it would be great to be able to reposition the helper filters anywhere (not just at the end of the filterbar).

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Hi Wei, This is already reported and is fixed in 2023.05 FP1. It is actually a bit confusing as the lack of repositioning of filter with custom key just affects the cube settings dialog. If you exit the dialog and refresh the main scrteen the changed position shoudl be in effect. It is just the cube settings GUI doesn't refresh properly and update. So you can actually reposition the filter in 2023.05 but it is a bit like playing darts blindfolded.

  2. Wei Wang reporter

    thanks Scott, I’ll wait for the official FP1 release to the published and report back if there’s any issues

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