TM1.Mdx.Interface $<>: Cannot resolve TM1 subset (rte 114)

Issue #680 resolved
Jithin V Stalin created an issue

Hi Team,

We are seeing an issue when users Access Apliqo reports a thread gets created in server logs - 'TM1.Mdx.Interface $<>: Cannot resolve TM1 subset (rte 114)' and it locks up the data load process and the load process would not proceed. We have to eventually kill the data load process for the threads to proceed.

Pease help us with this issue.

Comments (11)

  1. Ada Trajer

    Hi Jithin, we couldn't replicate the issue, it would be recommended to update the ux version to the newest one 2023.05 FP1 and check if the issue is still present.
    In the meantime we can also schedule a meeting to check the configuration in the application.

  2. Jithin V Stalin reporter

    Hi Ada, Can you please let me know a good time that works for you and i will schedule a meeting. Thanks

  3. Jithin V Stalin reporter

    Hi Ada, as recommended, we have upgraded our Apliqo version to 2023.05 FP1, We have not seen TM1.Mdx.Interface error after the upgrade. We will continue to monitor the logs to see if are getting this error again.

  4. Jithin V Stalin reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Ada, We are seeing the issue again after the upgrade to 2023.05 FP1. Attaching the screenshot.

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