Wrong number format in Excel export

Issue #685 resolved
Radu Cantor created an issue

When exporting to Excel the percentages are missing. Check the screen shots for details.

Comments (8)

  1. Radu Cantor reporter

    The value is there, but the formatting is wrong. Basically, in Excel they appear formatted as #'###;(#'###);0;- which in the cell somehow shows empty.

    Since we have the Format as 0.0% in TM1, I would expect the same in the export.

  2. Scott Wiltshire

    Well it’s showing empty since the number format #'###;(#'###);0;- has no zero placeholder so 49% will display same as empty cell but 50% would display as 1

    with #'##0;(#'##0);0;- 49% will display as 0 and 50% would display as 1

    with #'##0.##;(#'##0.##);0;- 49% will display as 0.49 and 50% would display as 0.5

    But that’s just a lesson in Excel number formatting ;-)

    The real issue is still that when we export we aren’t applying the correct number format cell-by-cell as defined in the handsontable grid.

  3. Ada Trajer

    Hi Radu, I guess this might be caused by the "exportToExcelNumberFormat" : "", option in default.constant.js file. I was able to replicate this and after clearing the format the excel file is showing correct values.

  4. Ada Trajer

    Hi Radu, did you have a chance to check if changing the option I mentioned fixed the issue with the wrong format?

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